
About Me

As a coach I believe you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole.

To me this means you can define what you truly want and deserve.

You can creatively design a path to who you want to be.  

We will work together to uncover your “new self” and the steps that will get you there.

Through exploration and powerful questions, we discover your vision and actions to achieve it.

I started my career  as an engineer designing hardware and software systems. I transitioned to project management, and moved on to leadership roles.

I became interested in interpersonal and organizational learning. How do organizations learn and stay current? How do individuals take their experience and  translate it to new opportunities? How do leaders create a vision that inspires and engages creativity?

For the past ten years I have been an active change agent, enabling organizational and individual transformations through guided exploration and collaboration.  The transformations led to better business outcomes and improved individual job satisfaction.

Working with large organizations, I  helped teams realize their true values and mission. By establishing a culture of trust, innovation, and collaboration, these organizations deliver more value for their stakeholders and create a more fulfilling experience for the employees.  I co-created and co-led workshops guiding executives to define “core values” and “organizational vision”.

As a coach to individuals, I enable people to understand their “true selves” and their  “true mission”. As a passionate advocate, I encourage individuals to define and explore a path for themselves and take the steps to make it reality.

As a “modern elder”,  I focus on providing guidance and experience to young leaders as they make directional decisions.